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With just a mask and a pair of fins to look beneath the surface of the sea: a time that can not be used better by crew of a boat that replaced near a bottom with clear water.  It 'a unique opportunity to meet many of the extraordinary creatures that live at depths modest and that too often are not known only for laziness. Here is a guide to find out more.


(Acetabularia mediterranea)

The ombrellino, with a diameter of about one centimeter, it consisted of a single, giant cell.  Acetabularia is un'alga annual, the hat is formed in the spring to fall then in late autumn.  It grows on rocks in sheltered areas

(Loligo vulgaris)

The squid live for days at very deep and dates back to the surface at night. It eats small fish and also of its own similar. Mmoving the robust side fins or reaction expelling water dall'imbuto.

(Chromis cromis)

Clouds of castagnole fill the surface layers of our sea: the castagnola lives, in fact, in groups of hundreds of individuals who librano above the rocks of the fund to capture the tiny planktonic crustaceans.

Cetriolo di mare
(Holoturia forskali)

It 'easy to discern the cylindrical body of this echinoderma in meadows of Posidonia and between the rocks.  Often hosts, in spite of himself, a fish parasite.  Along about 25 cm, if irritated expels long filaments of white and vischiosi.

Coda di pavone
(Padina pavonia)

Alga common and very recognizable for its white coloration due all'accumularsi limestone in the tissues. It reaches its peak of its development in late spring, when it arrives to 20 cm in diameter.  He lives in Cologne

Dente di cane
(Balanus perforatus)

Crostaceo sessile that prefers surface waters troubled, filter the water with a kind of rake.  Is capable of withstanding the surfacing between the low and high tide retaining inside of the shell a little' of sea water.

Donzella maschio
(Coris julis)

The adult males reaching 25 cm. di lunghezza. in length.  After quickly changed sex, the neo-male takes a long time to discard the old livery women who had young, and completely different colors.

Donzella pavonina
(Thalassoma pavo)

The colouring of this lively fish is linked to its trasgressiva sex life: the damsel is in fact a fish ermafrodita, who started his life as a female to change sex, and livery, with age '.  In the photo, a male.

Margherita di mare
(Parazoanthus axinellae)

Celenterato colonial. Unable to build a skeleton, lives incrostando rocks or other animals linked to the seabed in areas poorly lit. Similar in appearance to Astroides calycularis, present, but only south of Ponza.

(Oblada ocellaris)

It is not difficult to find groups of hundreds of looks over the submerged dry and rocky walls. Inconfondibili for black spot on the tail, eat algae and small animals living on the rock.

Orecchia di mare
(Haliotis lamellosa)

Municipality under the rocks and between the stones, has an unmistakable shape. On the shell is a series of holes, of which only the last five or six are open: through these holes the shellfish ago out of protuberances of coat-shaped tentacle.

(Pelagia noctiluca)

Attention to this jellyfish! I suoi tentacoli -  Its tentacles - which can exceed meters in length - are strongly urticant.  Cells are also poisonous sull'ombrella. If irritated by foreign objects, emitting a greenish light, visible with the darkness.

Pomodoro di mare
(Actinia equina)

This attinia often remains out of the water during low tide, but can not affected by exposure to air richiudendosi on itself and assomigliando a tomato.  With the high tide opens the tentacles scarlatti and urticant, in search of food

Polmone di mare
(Rhizostoma pulmo)

Comunissima in our coastal waters in summer can reach 30 cm.  diameter and over one meter in length.  And 'often accompanied by small sugherelli that eat the remains of fish caught by jellyfish.  The tentacles are only slightly urticant

(Octopus vulgaris)

Hunting at night and day take refuge in his lair, recognizable by the presence, outside of shells and shells of crabs which is ghiotto.  And 'one of invertebrates more intelligent and evolved.  If you caress on the head arriccia tentacles, happy.

(Posidonia oceanica)

It 'a fanerogama, a plant with flower and fruit. The Posidonia fittissime grows in meadows that offer shelter to a large quantity of fish, crustaceans and molluscs. And 'the real lungs of our sea, an environment is important and delicate.

Riccio "femmina"
(Paracentrotus lividus)

It eats algae, the night always return in the same place.  It covers often debris, stones or leaves Posidonia. Harvest by man since ancient times, the hedgehog "female" eat five gonads orange, the male gonads, whitish, are not very obvious.

Riccio "maschio"
(Arbacia lixula)

The organs of this hedgehog Players are not edible because it contains a bitter substance: for this reason it believes, wrongly, the male of Paracentrotus, but in truth is a different species.

(Salpa democratica)

This tunicato planctonico transparent form of chains of several metres in length, often in arrotolate spiral: dozens and dozens of individuals identical result of asessuata reproduction of a single body.

Sarago fasciato
(Diplodus vulgaris)

Together with greater, pizzuto and the Pharaoh, sarago banded is co-munissimo in all Italian seas, this where there are ravines and caves where to find shelter.  Young people live in groups while adults tend to isolate themselves.  It feeds on mollusks, crustaceans and echinoderms.

(Scorpaena scrofa)

Equipped with a magnificent mimicry, which contribute the numerous fleshy lump, scorpion fish is a rocky environment. The plugs of dorsal fin are linked internally with a gland velenifera and inflict wounds dolorosissime

(Sepia officinalis)

Species typical of the sandy bottom, where interra to hide, you can find even among the rocks.  His extraordinary mimicry is due to the presence of cells, the cromatofori, which contain colored pigments. If infastidita launches clouds of ink.

Spugna dello spondilo
(Crambe crambe)

Sponge incrostante very common, is the rocks since the very first metres deep.  He lives preferably in shadows, on the walls of caves or in the cavity, filtering the water that inhale the tiny pores and expels the larger holes, called osculi.

(Ophdiaster ophidianus)

It 'a voracious predatrice bivalve molluscs: after opening the valve slightly, the star estroflette the stomach and digerisce the prey directly in its shell.  The stars are capable of autoamputare arms and rise by either an individual complete.

Triglia di scoglio
(Mullus surmuletus)

The evening is in patrols of five to six individuals to hunt for molluscs and crustaceans that identifies thanks to sensibilissimi barbigli biancastri. He lives on rocky seabed, while barbatus species can be found on sandy stretches.





Head: Alessandro Plumitallo  -  Webmasters: Santo Acciaro - All rights reserved