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You can submit a form of cornet, comma or feather; their color is generally white and colouring may be more or less brilliant if they observed the emergence or the setting sun. The cirrus clouds of "good weather" by those who preludono to bad weather and for the other aspect, both for the speed of movement. The cirrus good weather will see them high in the sky, moves slowly; their shape is irregular and extension limited. The cirrus of "bad weather" are arranged in parallel and cover the whole sky, when the depression is approaching, moving at high speed


Recognize immediately, because you will see the sky with the classic conformation "sheep". See generally grouped into strips, but may also submit Bank, with different forms, strip, granules, crespe, etc.. Their colors are bright. The clouds, when you see is usually symptom that a disturbance is approaching.



They may appear or as a strip or as large masses globulose white or grigiastre with strong shadows. These masses are sometimes divided and leave glimpse the blue sky, are sometimes continue, and seem a series of large rolls, who remember the ocean waves since, a similarity of the waves, which are also moving sull'orizzonte. If they are not associated with other kinds of clouds, they do not cause any phenomenon, when they observed together with low clouds, rain can cause.



Their presence determines how an invisible veil and delicate, that will allow you to see perfectly the contours of what is present. They can present themselves having already invaded the whole sky, or as a halo in the horizon that slowly tends to grow. Very often in their training following the cirrus clouds, so you can see at the bottom of the system Cloudy cirrostrati and the top cirrus clouds. This indicates the approach of a disturbance if you have after the cirrus clouds.



Generally occur as a stretch cloudy greyish more or less dense. If the density is high, may partially or completely cover the sun or the moon. There are clouds that can accompany both the time beautiful, both the bad time. In the first case will be more white color, high in the sky and with the basic well-defined, in the second will be darker, with the indefinite basis. If you notice in the sky for the first cirrostrati, followed by altostrati, means that a disturbance is approaching and you will be in a situation depressionaria, with the possibility of rain.



They are low clouds and / or medium, usually dark gray, and there will be difficult to recognize their basic, often not well defined. When you observe, the sky will dim and bleak, often because of their presence should turn the lights on. There are clouds of bad weather and, in relation to temperature in this area, may generate rain or snow.


There are clouds of high vertical development, which will present imposing on the sky, shaped towers, domes or mountain. The summit is usually white and often takes on a shape anvil or artichoke, the base is horizontal and dark intense. To be considered a cloud dangerous for navigation, surely the most dangerous: his presence is cause a situation of winds of groppo, which engendered an equally "chaotic wave." It is accompanied by demonstrations temporalesche.


They present themselves as a continuous stretch of masses cumuliform (rotondeggianti) obscure, generally elongated, whose appearance resembles rolls without a precise form, linked by thin clouds, through which it is sometimes possible to see the blue sky. Initially you can exchange them, having a form quite similar, with the altocumuli. They behave as the altocumuli: by themselves do not cause any problem, whether associated with clouds medium can generate rain.



They are very low clouds, you'll see them sometimes just a few metres on the horizon, gray, with the base expanded and uniform; their development is very vertical content, and can reach heights of less than 300 metres. You can submit Bank or totally cover the sky, often resulting from fog formed on the ground. Given their limited thickness, as a rule do not give rise to any phenomenon, if not a reduction of vision when their base is very low


They have different sizes: small and rade, as generally occur along the coast, or large, horizontal basis, with the top more or less high, shaped dome with protuberances extended above.  When the vertical development is not great, take the form of batuffoli cotton, their color is usually light gray at the base while the top is white and on. They are the so-called "heaps of good weather." If the horizon is clearly visible and intense blue sky, if you see small and low-shaped batuffoli cotton, white on top and gray at the base, are "clouds of good weather"; if their extension is more vertical developed, you may find in a situation of good weather when the clouds can see the horizon clearance above the sky and clearly visible, however, the time may give a "rain" more or less strong, if the horizon and the sky there are grey and blacks.



Head: Alessandro Plumitallo  -  Webmasters: Santo Acciaro - All rights reserved